Our Classes


A total workout, combining cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility. Ditch the workout, join the party!


Sculpt and tone exercises focus on adding definition to your physique with higher reps and lower weight. These sculpt and tone workouts help improve your circulation, metabolism and caloric burn, further enhancing the shape and definition of your muscles.


The challenge of adding resistance by using light weights, helps you focus on specific muscle groups, so you (and your muscles) stay engaged!

STRONG Nation 30

Stop counting the reps. Start training to the beat. STRONG Nation® combines body weight, muscle conditioning, cardio and plyometric training moves synced to original music that has been specifically designed to match every single move. Every squat, every lunge, every burpee is driven by the music, helping you make it to that last rep, and maybe even five more. In each class you'll burn calories while toning arms, legs, abs and glutes. Plyometric or explosive moves like high knees, burpees, and jumping jacks are interchanged with isometric moves like lunges, squats, and kickboxing. STRONG Nation™ instructors change up the music and moves frequently to make sure you’re always challenged to the max.

Adress: 9070 Kimberly Blvd #56, Boca Raton, FL 33434



1. Buy a class pass/ package and creat a username and password to the access the portal

2. After purchasing a plan , you will be prompted to Sign Digital Documents. (Waivers, agreements, etc)

3. Download the Pushpress Members App. It can be downloaded directly to your device by searching for 'PushPress Members' right from your iOS or Android app store.

4. Log in with your user name and password

5. Register to a class through the app